  1. Tired
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I don’t want to hear excuses, no
Ya’ know I’ve heard it all before
Now it’s time for me
to walk out that door
I won’t look back.

Tired on holding on
And staying where I don’t belong
Waiting here just feels wrong
No more excuses
Waiting around is useless

Say goodbye, say goodbye
I’m gonna say goodbye
Say goodbye, say goodbye
I’m gonna say goodbye
Then just walk away

I’ve forgiven you before
I can’t take this anymore
I’ve stayed long enough
Love shouldn’t be this tough

I’m gonna say goodbye
Say goodbye, say goodbye
I’m gonna say goodbye
Say goodbye, say goodbye
I’m gonna say goodbye
Then just walk away

My spirits won’t be broken, no
You know, we’ve been through all the stages
From apologies to rages
I’m leaving you behind

Say goodbye, say goodbye
I’m gonna say goodbye
Say goodbye, say goodbye
I’m gonna say goodbye
Then just walk away

Just tired